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Leadership simulation game

LeadershipX is a business-strategy simulation we developed with and for Dr. John Gillis. Based on Dr. Gillis’ extensive leadership development experience and doctoral research, it simulates the dynamics of a real-world business. Teams duke it out over several fiscal years in a battle for market domination. 

Business processes that take months and years to unfold in real life are compressed to hours. Each participant plays a unique role on the executive team (e.g., CFO, operations, marketing, HR). Dashboards in the sim allow players to request budgets, allocate resources, view reports, and receive updates about new opportunities or changing market conditions. Players make individual decisions about their departments and collaborate with their executive teams on strategy. Everyone inputs their decisions on their own computer tablet, which promotes individual engagement and accountability while facilitating face-to-face communication within the teams. They create and execute a multi-year strategy, assess their long-term vs. short-term decision impacts, and explore their leadership strengths as well as development opportunities. Debriefings are conducted by expert faculty who challenge participants to reflect on and apply lessons about leadership, innovation, globalization, ethics, and business acumen. At the end of the program, participants walk away with a personalized feedback report.



This dynamic, “cross-fit” classroom solution combines technology, content and assessment in an immersive cohort experience. The “learn by doing” approach improves retention of the high-impact leadership lessons, resulting in improved organizational performance.


For more information, go to LeadershipX and contact John Gillis at, 512 913 4778.

The team really enjoyed going through your modules, we learned a lot, achieved our objectives, and definitely look forward to hosting you again!

Director of Operations,
Oil & Gas Company
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