The Gronstedt Group is staying busy with a number of learning development projects for the desktop environment, including video, games and simulations. But the big news this week is mobile: Apple just announced it will turn its iPhones and iPads into Augmented Reality (AR) lenses and Google responded with its own version of AR for Android phones.
Augmented Reality turns the phone into a magic lens that can, figuratively speaking, arm your workforce with superpowers. Aim a phone at your product and get real-time holographic guidance on how to install or troubleshoot it (or use “x-ray vision” to view what’s inside it). Conduct a scavenger hunt to find digital learning objects around your office. Play a real-time business strategy sim, projected in 3D on the lunch table, with colleagues. Play microlearning games in the same environment where the skills will be applied.
It’s no exaggeration to say we’ll never use our phones the same way again. And the rule book for mobile learning just went out the window. AR is coming – and fast. This powerful emerging technology will be on hundreds of millions of phones in the next few months and on a couple of billion phones by next year.
More importantly, it may well be on your CEO’s phone the next time you meet. And you know what that means. You’ll have to explain how your group is going to be leveraging AR to improve enterprise learning and productivity.
In preparation for that conversation, we invite you to a private webcast exploring the implications of Augmented Reality for learning and performance management.
This webcast will break down Apple ARKit and Android ARCore for mobile and discuss the state of AR eyewear from a learning and enterprise perspective. We will also address:
How to identify and design low-cost, high-reward AR pilots
Design principles when the world is your canvas
How to go beyond information overlay and develop storytelling and game playing AR experiences to practice skills and reinforce concepts
How to collect user data and analyze it for actionable insights
How to make the case for AR to your CEO
The AR development process
I’ll lead the sessions and will be joined by the rest of the Gronstedt Group team. Come equipped with your questions so we can begin brainstorming ways you can pilot AR projects to drive ever-greater business results.
In other news, we were proud to win no fewer than three 2017 Learning! 100 Awards last week for our Mission-Possible themed sales simulation for Hewlett Packard Enterprise, our 3D immersive hospitality simulation and our cyber security game for Intuit. Major credit goes to our clients’ project teams, obviously – it’s impossible to develop effective learning applications absent client expertise and a genuine commitment to collaboration.
Let me know if we can set a time to discuss how Gronstedt Group can partner with your organization on applying advanced technology approaches to today’s sticky business training challenges. Or, let me know if we can meet up on the learning circuit – I’ll be speaking at Online Learning Conference in New Orleans next week, the CLO Symposium+Plus in Huntington Beach in two weeks and DevLearn next month.